Saturday 29 November 2014

Day 372: The Monster of Peladon Part 3

The Monster of Peladon is remembered generally for only seven words. "There's nothing only about being a girl". These words are said by Sarah Jane Smith to Queen Thalira, when the Queen is feeling depressed over the fact that any order that she would give would be dismissed due to her only being a girl. This is a striking message, as it allows for Doctor Who to connect with an issue which sadly still affects us today, being the vast inequality in the way in which we treat different genders, in particular the way in which women are treated. And through those seven words young girls can see Sarah Jane, the main audience identification figure, telling them that they need to fight inequality and make their voice heard. Because there is nothing only about being a girl.

1 comment:

  1. They were big, important words for me as a child, as was Sarah beating an alien to death with a crank handle. She screamed, but she didn't let her fear stop her. I miss Sarah Jane.
