Monday 10 November 2014

Day 353: The Green Death Episode 4

This episode is embedded in the public consciousness as 'the one with the giant maggots'. It's easy to see why this has happened: giant maggots are a memorable image and one that sticks in the mind of the audience as maggots are fairly commonplace. Thus, by making the ordinary extraordinary through simply increasing the size, we can play off common fears and make the audience more attracted to the programme itself. It's also worth noting that most audiences will remember things this way, choosing not to remember the minutae, instead the general themes and images of the story. Thus, by finding a hook such as giant maggots, the makers of the series have been able to ensure that Doctor Who remains memorable not just for Daleks or for police boxes, but also for weird ideas and cool ideas for monsters, making the series one that will last for a remarkably long time in the memories of the viewer.

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