Friday 7 November 2014

Day 350: The Green Death Episode 1

The Doctor finally gets to visit Metebelis 3 in this episode. Metebelis 3 has been a bit of a running joke throughout the Pertwee era, as the Doctor has been attempting to reach this destination for quite some time. However, things are not as we've been promised. Metebelis 3, although it has a beautiful landscape, also has a vast array of deadly obstacles and comes across as one of the more frightening planets in the cosmos. The joke, of course, is that the Doctor considers this place a holiday destination despite the fact that it's one of the least relaxing places in the universe.

But there's a hidden meaning to this. As the Doctor encounters these dangers, Jo, his assistant, is busy with her own agenda, attempting to save Earth through environmentalism. But this means that we get to witness an adventure of the Doctor's without a companion. It's suddenly more dangerous, and we as an audience aren't able to relate as much to the events occurring to the Doctor. But this is all foreshadowing for the events that are going to happen over the course of this story...

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