Wednesday 12 November 2014

Day 355: The Green Death Episode 6

The end of an era is nigh. Jo Grant, companion since the first time that we met the Master, is leaving. She hasn't been mortally injured, nor has she been forced to forget all of her memories by the Time Lords. Instead, she has fallen in love. In love with Professor Jones, a man with enthusiasm and knowledge, a man with courage and care. A man who is a younger version of the Doctor, essentially. And so they go off together, ready to start their new happy life. But, in one of the most bitter-sweet moments for the series, the camera decides not to focus on their happiness. Whilst everyone is dancing and singing and celebrating the happy couple, we instead look at the Doctor. He's heartbroken because he's lost a friend, someone with whom he has shared adventures from invasions of plastic people to an invasion from the Devil. From Peladon to Solos. The person with whom he helped to prevent a war between Earth and Draconia. She's gone now, gone to find someone else. And so he walks away, silently into the sunset, leaving them to their fun. He's got work to do, I suppose. But it'll be different without Jo Grant around.

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