Friday 21 November 2014

Day 365: Invasion of the Dinosaurs Part 6

So we reach the climax of this story. Now, the story has fully mutated. It is no longer the Doctor investigating a dinosaur invasion of the Earth, it is a story about the Doctor, Sarah Jane, the Brigadier and Sergeant Benton fighting against a group of extremists. It's relatively tense stuff and works well, although there is still the niggling problem at the heart of this story. It's a story that functions on twists. Having known all of these twists in advance, it lessens the impact and makes for a far more average story on the whole. It's still fun, but I have just a strong sense of regret about being spoiled of what happens.

And yet, there was one moment in this story that surprised me. I won't say what it was, only that I legitimately found it a highlight of my Doctor Who viewing experience. Seeing that moment reminded me that as I continue along this journey of watching Doctor Who, there can still be surprises where I least expect them. And these little moments make the entire journey worthwhile.

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