Friday 21 November 2014

Day 364: Invasion of the Dinosaurs Part 5

The plan has finally been revealed! It turns out that the bad giys are going to send a few chosen people back in time to repopulate the Earth and so that we can learn from our mistakes to create a better society. The obvious message that Hulke is trying to make here is one of political extremism, where extremists will go to such strong measures to get the ends that they want, in this case pretty much wiping out most of the human race to start over. We're obviously meant to be sided against them, we can see that this is a horrible move which we as humanity should obviously be against.

And yet I'm siding with the bad guys here. Hulke writes issues of grey morality, inviting viewers to consider both sides of the argument before making the final decision. And in this case, I personally have to side with the idea of rebooting the Earth and starting over. Every day I wake up and look at how the world is going terribly. Climate change and pollution are rampant in our modern world. There are also ideologies that exist that promote hate. That promote fossil fuels over climate action. And we as a society choose these people over people who are arguably going to make our planet better. And it's little wonder that some days I wish that we could go back to the time of the dinosaurs and start over, this time with clever people in charge. After all, we're already surrounded by war-mongering T-Rexes and stegosauruses with walnut sized brains in the modern day.

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