Saturday 8 November 2014

Day 351: The Green Death Episode 2

This story marks another step for Doctor Who into the political environment. This time, we focus on environmentalism, a subject that is still relevant today. The key point is about pollution, that companies come into the world and ravage the land, causing much devastation and destroying the ecosystem, including the lives of the people around the area. This could be similar to other stories that we've covered previously, such as Colony in Space or The Mutants. However, what makes this different is that it is firmly set in the modern day. This makes the issues more relevant, drawing our attention to the horrors that take place every day of our lives as we realise what these corporations do to us. These issues also deserve to be relevant, as they are destroying the planet and causing wide-spread destruction to our ecosystem, to the point where it may not end up being viable for us to continue living. So props to Robert Sloman and Barry Letts for making the decision to show the world these effects (even if it isn't as effective as you could have hoped) because it might just help open people's eyes to the horrors that lie in front of us every single day.

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