Thursday 20 November 2014

Day 363: Invasion of the Dinosaurs Part 4

Another twist occurred at the end of the last episode as it was revealed that Sarah Jane had been put on a spaceship and had been on this ship for three months. As an audience, of course, we are pre-disposed not to trust this on the grounds that the episode continues to cut back to Pertwee and UNIT investigating the dinosaurs in the current time period instead of three months hence. Thus, Hulke uninetnionally reveals the truth behind the plot element thathe is currently using. But the motive remains hidden, we are still unaware of how each plot element works together. On the one hand we have dinosaurs roaming the streets of London as part of a massive conspiracy with people involved from science, the military, the government and UNIT. Aside from this, we also have a spaceship filled with prime human specimens who are being reminded of how polluted the Earth is and why they have left to find a new colony somewhere different. Hopefully we shall soon discover how these plot strands fit together, but it's obvious that this is going to make for some more overtly political themes than we're used to in Doctor Who.

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