Friday 26 June 2015

Day 581: Arc of Infinity Part 2

The Ergon is the henchman of the villain of this story, who is yet to be revealed narratively (I'll get more into discussion of the villain when he is fully revealed), and there are several problems that we can see with this character. Apparently, it was designed with the Xenomorphs from Alien in mind, which you can sort of see, if you squint. And pretend that the Xenomorphs in Alien were chicken-like in nature. Because that's what the Ergon looks like: a giant chicken. This is actually representative of a greater problem with the story, being the general design of everything. Take, for instance, Gallifrey as shown below:

It's not very impressive, lacking the style and darkness as seen with previous interpretations of Gallifrey, instead looking like something rather dull and beige. There's a certain lack of care put into the design work, making things look less impressive than they could be on paper. Part of this, though could be due to a lack of budget, although there was apparently enough money to go on a trip to Amsterdam to film this story, a fact that makes virtually no impact on the plot whatsoever and goes to show that the money could have been far better spent on getting better design work, or at the very least, a monster that doesn't look like a chicken.

Oh, and whilst I remember, two thoughts that passed me by whilst watching this episode were that the backpackers were so unmemorable that when one of them got kidnapped, I actually forgot which one was gone, and so I was surprised to see the one that I thought was kidnapped wandering around as if nothing had happened. This is not a good sign for the script, if it's that hard to differentiate between two characters. Oh, and Tegan's back.

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