Saturday 13 June 2015

Day 568: The Visitation Part 3

When people talk about this story, two things generally come to mind. One is the character of Richard Mace, an actor who has been forced into becoming a highwayman. He's a fun character, moving through each scene with a strong amount of charm, which makes a nice change from the fact that the Doctor's three companions spend much of their time at each other's throats.

But the other thing that people remember about this story is the fact that it is the story where the Sonic Screwdriver is destroyed, not to return until 1996. Whilst it's a bit disappointing to see it go, as it has been a part of the series since Fury from the Deep, it's worth remembering that it has to go for a reason. That reason is, of course, the fact that it acts as a get out of gaol free card for the Doctor and co, allowing writers to get them to escape various circumstances with very little effort. Without it, the writers are forced to think up of new ways for excapes to happen, allowing for more creativity in problem solving. However, at some point when it returns, we may look at how things have changed in its use, and whether it had become a tool for the better or a tool for the worse. Bit for now, let's just say goodbye to the Sonic Screwdriver, and it has been rather fun to know you.

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