Wednesday 24 June 2015

Day 579: Time-Flight Part 4

So eventually, the day gets saved by the Doctor. The plot, which I don't belive I've gone into in too much detail, involved the Master kidnapping Concorde so that he could fix his TARDIS (I'm actually not sure exactly how this occurs, I missed some important plot developments in Part 3 which were never touched upon again for the rest of the story), ends up reducing itself to scenes of pilots fixing aeroplanes as the Master and the Doctor come to some sort of arrangement. This turns out to be quite enjoyable, as there's a certain sense of comfort that you can get simply by watching people do their job, and do it well.

But the story comes to an end just as it was getting decent, and so too does something else. Tegan Jovanka came onto the TARDIS in order to get to Heathrow Airport. She's been an odd sort of TARDIS companion, in that she doesn't really want to be going on adventures, and she doesn't really like the people that she travels with. But now that the TARDIS has landed at Heathrow, we sort of assume that she's going to leave, and that she'll be happy about it. So when the TARDIS does leave without her, it's a bit surprising to see her so sad about this fact. Because even though she disliked everything at first, it's hard to deny that the prospect of all of time and space being at your fingertips would be a bad one, making this one of the sadder companion departures. But sometimes, an end isn't really the end, as we shall see tomorrow with the start of the 20th anniversary series of Doctor Who.

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