Sunday 21 June 2015

Day 576: Time-Flight Part 1

This story begins with a brief mention of the fact that Adric is dead. The characters are allowed to grieve for two minutes, and then immediately get over it, moving onto their next exciting adventure. It feels a bit cheap, and doesn't really bode well for this story. I'm not saying that they shouldn't move on, I'm just saying that maybe a little more time is needed to deal with the fact that Adric is now dead. For a comparison, all the way back in series 3, when we saw the deaths of Sara Kingdom and Katarina in The Daleks Master Plan, this was followed with a relatively serious historical drama in The Massacre, which allowed for us as an audience to come to terms with the fact that the characters had died by virtue of it being slower and quieter than the previous adventure. This story, on the other hand, is a fun romp featuring Concorde, time travel and other bits and pieces of wacky hijinks. It's not a good follow-on story, and does not bode well for the next four episodes as we look at Time-Flight.

1 comment:

  1. On the other hand, Adric is dead. I suspect it was all the other characters could do to not actually break out the bubbly and have some cake.
