Monday 1 June 2015

Day 556: Castrovalva Part 3

Castrovalva, as referred to in the title of this story, is a place of harmony, where the Doctor is sent in order to relax and fully get used to his new body following his post-regeneration crisis. The image above is an accurate representation of Castrovalva, as it's quite different from other places in the universe. It's a weird, fifth dimensional area where the corners of space are folding in on themselves, meaning that we have an Escher-like zone where you keep going down and down flights of stairs, but you never reach the bottom, always staying within an odd loop. It's an odd, but engaging idea, and is an excellent example of high concept scientific and mathematical ideas being utilised within a Doctor Who story to engage the viewing audience with something that is truly weird and out of this world.

It's also worth mentioning that we'll be seeing examples of this sort of thing more regularly across the next couple of series, as we get really high concept ideas in a Doctor Who context. It's not all we're going to be seeing though, as we'll come to discover over the next couple of weeks. But for now, let's just enjoy the geometrical nightmare that is Castrovalva.

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