Friday 31 July 2015

Day 616: Planet of Fire Part 2

Planet of Fire is partially filmed on location on the island of Lanzarote. Unlike previous foreign location shoots, such as City of Death or Arc of Infinity, the location is mainly used as the actual location on Earth, but instead as the alien landscape of the planet Sarn. It makes for a very visually impressive landscape, being a beautiful red rocky vista, appearing as if it is unlike anything on Earth and something truly alien (the irony of course being that it is very much on Earth).

There are other bonuses to the landscape as well. There's the fact that there's no-one else in rather large surrounds, which can lead to a feeling of isolation and emptiness, giving the impression that there is only a small colony of people, the TARDIS crew, and nobody else. It also lends the programme with a bit of a cinematic feeling as well, as large shots are taken, showing off the location to full effect, and making the production feel just that bit more visually impressive. One can easily imagine this being shown on a big cinema screen, with the beautiful Lanzarote landscape as the major star of the piece. And if nothing else, the tourism board of Lanzarote should be fairly pleased, as I've actually got half a mind to go on a visit there in the future, and see this awe-inspiring area myself.

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