Tuesday 14 July 2015

Day 599: Enlightenment Part 4

Enlightenment refers to the prize at the end of the race. It is the ability to know everything in the Universe, essentially making one all powerful. It is guarded by the two Guardians, Black and White, and is eventually won by the Doctor, with Turlough's help.

They are obliged to offer it to the Doctor, who refuses. It's a flippant monent, and one that is quickly glossed over as Davison babbles on about how he doesn't want it, and indeed feels that no-one should have it save for the Guardians. But it's a moment that speaks truly of the Doctor. A force for good in the Universe, he recognises that this power is overwhelming and will lead to all osrts of problems so he denies it. But that's what we expect from the Time Lord who we have followed for the past 599 days.

Turlough is faced with the choice as well, although slightly altered. He is given a lesser portion of Enlightenment, and the Black Guardian states that, as Turlough is in his employ, he will take it, although he would trade it in exchange for the Doctor's life. Faced with this monumental decision, Turlough, after a moment's thought, refuses violently, shoving the crystal that represents Enlightenment into the Black Guardian, causing him to burn away as the shining brightness of the crystal comes into contact with his deep and dark heart. Enlightenment, as is stated at this point in the story, is the choice, the power to choose what future you might have. Turlough is faced with a future of power, but that of evil, or a future on the side of good, but somewhat lacking on the power sense. He chooses the latter, recognising that it is not within his ability to hold that much power, even if it is just the power over one man's life. In that moment, Turlough can finally be accepted on the TARDIS crew. We can now see that he is at least trustworthy, even if it took some time for this to fully come to fruition, and we can look forward to seeing him, Tegan and the Doctor as they go on many more adventures through time and space.

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