Monday 20 July 2015

Day 605: Warriors of the Deep Part 3

The Myrka is easily one of the most memorable monsters ever to feature in Doctor Who. It's the pet of the Silurians, and attacks the Seabase in this story as some sort of unstoppable force. A memorable scene featuring the Myrka is seen above, as Dr Solow attacks the Myrka with some impromptu karate moves, failing as all shall fall in the wake of the Myrka. It is easily memorable, mainly because it elicits a strong emotional response in the viewer. That strong emotional response, of course, is uncontrollable laughter.

It's completely awful. I understand that there were severe issues with the making of the story that prevented things from coming out the way that they might have hoped. However, that does not entirely excuse the fact that it looks like a pantomime horse that's being operated by two people who are clearly under the effect of the wet paint on the costume that they've been sniffing. And whilst I can laugh at it and think of it as just another bad Doctor Who monster, the brutal truth is that this marks a turning point in the franchise. From this point onwards, Doctor Who goes down a bit in people's estimations, and it leads to the series eventually being cancelled. Granted, there are other forces at work, and I'll have a look at one or two of them a little later on, but there's no denying that after looking at the Myrka, you have to think about whether Doctor Who is really worth watching any more.

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