Monday 27 July 2015

Day 612: Frontios Part 4

I suppose the reason that I've enjoyed Frontios so much is the villains, known as the Tractators. They're beings that can control gravity, and they have cqptured humans such that they can tunnel out the caverns of Frontios into waveguides, which will help them transform Frontios into a spaceship allowing them to wreak havoc across the universe. Although, to be honest, I'm fairly sure that they'd be able to wreak havoc across the universe anyway, because they can control gravity. That's one of the four fundamental forces, and control over gravity would give anyone an immense amount of power.

Is it any wonder, then, that Turlough is so distressed by these events? But he's distressed in a different way than what we're normally used to, he's been reduced at various points to a quivering mess as he tries to come to terms with the creatures that he's facing. The Tractators, it transpires, are creatures that have invaded Turlough's home planet, and left a strong race memory due to the immense impact that they made on his society. It's a nice touch, as it makes the monsters feel like a genuine threat, and gives Mark Strickson something worthwhile to do in the story.

It's a shame that Frontios is overlooked by so many people, to be honest, as it's not that bad a story. It does have problems, yes, but it also has an awful lot of things going for it that make it an incredibly worthwhile adventure, and one that I'll look back on fondly.

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