Wednesday 10 September 2014

Day 292: The Claws of Axos Episode 4

I was sceptical of this story, to begin with. But then I realised something fantastic was happening in Episode 3. The Master had been held captive by Axos and needed to escape. He attempts to do so, but is captured by UNIT. he then helps UNIT in exchange for his freedom. It's weird seeing the Master work with his enemies, and yet there's an element of realisation of the stakes that we are up against, that even the Master acknowledges that the work that is being done is wrong and needs to be stopped. And not only that, but in Episode 4 we get the Doctor and the Master willingly working together to reach a common goal. The escape from Earth. Of course the Doctor needs to stop the Axons beforehand, because he's the good guy in the scenario, but it's still a moment filled with awe as we see these two enemies working together for a common goal.

There's also a very nice moment when the Doctor appears to abandon Earth forever, leaving them to all die horrifically. What makes this nice is the fact that it's never explicitly stated by the Doctor that he's actually bluffing and that he's going to save the day once again, instead we just see him leave with the Master. So the audience is left only with the trust of what they think the Doctor will do, and so the trust that has been built up over the past 292 episodes is put into full effect as we believe that the Doctor will do the right thing. And of course he does. Because he is the Doctor and he makes things better. He makes this show better, because otherwise it would be the misadventures of Bill Filer. He makes society better by drawing to attention real life issues that we need to solve. And he can make people's lives just that little bit happier, because of the simplest things...

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