Sunday 13 July 2014

Day 233: The Seeds of Death Episode 2

One must consider why the Ice Warriors were brought back. Because when they first appeared, in The Ice Warriors, they didn't come across as one of the more innovative villains that had appeared in Doctor Who so far. They were essentially just another alien species that we've encountered on our wandering through the fourth dimension. They haven't yet had anything to make them stand out amongst other villains, unlike the Cybermen, which represent a twisted view of humanity's future, or the Great Intelligence, which has a being that is unlike anything else encountered before. The Ice Warriors' titular story wasn't even interesting because of them, it was instead interesting because of the scientists working on the station. So why were they brought back? Clearly, it's because either the writer, Brian Hayles, had a soft spot for his creations, or the production office happened to have the costumes and they wanted to get their money's worth out of them. But there's also the opportunity for the characters to be expanded upon, and plus the audience already knows them so there's already a connection that has been made to exploit for dramatic purposes. So perhaps anything that I've got against the Ice Warriors is just me being cynical, and there could end up being something there that I'm just not seeing.

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