Monday 30 June 2014

Day 220: The Invasion Episode 1

This story is able to push itself away from the previous serial by firmly placing both feet into the realm of reality. It's firmly modern again, with a story based around electronics, a relatively new technology at the time. Indeed, it's worth comparing this to the previous two times that Doctor Who went 'modern'. The most recent such instance was Fury From the Deep, although I would argue that that doesn't count as much, given that it was set in the fairly remote area of an oil rig, wheras the other most recent modern adventure was The Web of Fear, which can be easily compared to this story. Both are set in and around urban areas, and both will concern themselves with monsters roaming the streets, a topic that we will look at later. But the major difference between the two is in terms of the space in which the two stories take place. The Web of Fear took place in a small and confined area, building on claustrophobia within the space, whereas the Invasion is quite clearly more spread out, showing us the full city and drawing upon the fact that it is taking place in a larger area allows for more to be showed off, at the expense of losing the claustrophobic atmosphere that perpetrated Web. It's a change, but what is Doctor Who without change?

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