Friday 13 June 2014

Day 203: Fury From The Deep Episode 6

The weed creature is defeated, and for once, everybody lives. It's a story that deserves it, because it is based entirely on people being taken over, innocent and ordinary people being forced to do things by a malevolent weed. By allowing everyone to live, it allows for the audience to feel legitimately happy at the end of a story, because we've finally moved away from the dark and gritty feeling that has overshadowed the series, because people are finally allowed to have a good time for once.

But that's all over because Victoria has realised that all she's required to do is scream. And she doesn't particularly like screaming at every monster that comes her way, so she's decided to leave the TARDIS crew. I'm not particularly fond of the character myself, but her departure here is remarkably well done. It's not a snap decision, instead one that has been strongly considered over the course of the story, and the last ten minutes become purely devoted to her decision as to whether she should stay on the TARDIS, or leave. It's disappointing that we can't see this episode, as it would be lovely to see Deborah Watling (the actress who plays Victoria) give her performance as one gets the feeling that she is able to fully carry the weight of this decision on her. I'm not a fan of the character, but it's still slightly sad to see her leave as there was always the feeling that more could have been done with Victoria that could have occurred over her period on the show.

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