Thursday 5 June 2014

Day 196: The Web of Fear Episode 5

Rather annoyingly, my plans for today's entry have been scuppered. The plot hasn't advanced as quickly as I thought it would and my research into both the new producer (Peter Bryant) and new script editor (Derrick Sherwin) has brought up nothing much in terms of a distinct manifesto of concepts that they wish to bring to the series, beyond telling some fun science fiction stories, and that they're going to keep the show afloat for the next little while. (If anyone has anything that actually links towards one of them actively wanting to introduce something to the series beyond what their predecessors have done, please let me know, I would quite like something to fill the space here on slow episode days).

All of this is building up to the fact that I'm going to discuss the sets of The Web of Fear (I know, you're excited!). The episode takes place in the London Underground, and the sets are amazingly realistic (realistic enough that they fooled the actual London Underground into thinking that there had been some secret filming happening without their knowledge). It lends to the realism of the story, by having a recognisable location as the backdrop for all of the action that is occurring. Also, the lighting of the sets is wonderful, bringing out the intense shadows that exist throughout the piece and lending the serial a darkness that hasn't been seen for a while. Again, this comes back to the director, Douglas Camfield, whose ability to create atmosphere and tension makes him ome of the best directors working on the series at the moment, and someone who we will definitely admire for several more serials to come.

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