Monday 16 June 2014

Day 206: The Wheel In Space Episode 3

Aww, it's destroyed everything that you hold
dear in the cutest way possible
The Cybermen make a return appearance in this story, as do their little friends, the Cybermats. The Cybermats somehow escaped my attention when we first met them in The Tomb of the Cybermen, so I should probably mention them here. They are fundamentally cute creatures, and it's clear that they have been written in this way, in order to create a new sense of horror as these cute little things attack you and kill you horribly. Except they don't really look that cute, instead they look like a toy (almost as if they were created to be toys...). Nor do they look particularly menacing either, meaning that the monsters tend to fail. That said, they're reasonably well directed in this story, or they would be if one of the crew members who was killed by them wasn't one of the hammiest actors that the series has had to date. but it's hard to get past these creatures who were probably just created to act as toys.

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