Wednesday 18 June 2014

Day 208: The Wheel In Space Episode 5

Not much of note happens in this episode, so I'm going to cheat. Big Finish Productions is a company that produces licensed audio adventures about a vast array of series, including Doctor Who. Some of their plays deal with the world of The Wheel In Space, because it's actually an incredibly depressing world. There's a young character, Zoe, who is a genius, created to have perfect recall and a completely mathematical mind. And she's been brainwashed to do this, taken at a young age for the good of the world. A young child has been forced into this life, having pieces of their mind like emotion and irreverence replaced with logic. Big Finish deals with this sort of thing in plays such as The Uncertainty Principle or The Memory Cheats, both of which deal with Zoe trying to fight the world that she has been brought up in, as she has long since realised that this is no way to run a society. To tie this back into The Wheel In Space, we can see that this is a world which has been constructed well, and whilst it's not as well done as Whitaker's previous efforts, such as The Power of the Daleks, it still has hints of something lurking behind the scenes, ideas that were never fully realised. Whitaker remains a good writer, it's just that the good writer is slowly fading away, so we need some more writers to take his place

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