Tuesday 20 May 2014

Day 179: The Abominable Snowmen Episode 6

As this story comes to an end, let's do a brief recap of what's actually happened. The Doctor has had the role of being the guiding force, and Troughton has been able to make the character consistently interesting, particularly when getting to face off against pure evil. Jamie also gets some good stuff in this story, being able to be both an action hero and a comic double act with the Doctor, although Victoria, in a stark departure from the previous female companions who were able to hold strong positions in the plot and drive the story when required, exists solely to scream. The other supporting characters were nice and it was a nice touch to only have it until halfway through the story before everyone is on the Doctor's side, meaning that everyone comes across as having more realistic motivations. All in all, it's an OK story though, there's not too much beyond a simple adventure here, and whilst it's fun, it's not much more than that.

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