Saturday 10 May 2014

Day 169: The Evil of the Daleks Episode 7

The ending of this episode is quite big, featuring lots of destruction as the Daleks rebel against each other, half of them being pure Dalek and the other half having the Human Factor implanted within them. And as it ends, we realise that this is it, the Daleks have finally been destroyed for the last time. And to an extent that's true, it'll be years before we encounter them again, and so we have to realise how interesting this move in the series is. It's because the Daleks have been intrinsically linked with Doctor Who, ensuring that the series remained reasonably popular over the past couple of years, and by taking them away, the series is going to have to resort to other means to draw viewers in. Fortunately, it's got Patrick Troughton, who over the course of his first year in the role, has made the show more interesting, making him into a more mercurial figure and thus giving the show a new life. Also, the writing has remained strong, and there are probably other methods that the show will go down in order to ensure its survival. We'll just have to wait and see what comes up.

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