Friday 9 May 2014

Day 168: The Evil of the Daleks Episode 6

One of the most interesting characters that we've encountered so far in this serial is Theodore Maxtible. Once again, it's not so much the performance or the direction that causes interest here (although both are very good indeed), instead it's the writing of the character. Maxtible is a man who appear to have been forced by the Daleks to follow their orders. However, there are hidden depths to the character, as he is far more willing to work with the Daleks than everyone else, due to his greed for power and his pursuits in trying to find equipment that will turn base metals into gold. He represents the antithesis to the Human Factor that the Doctor searches for, and finds in Jamie, as Maxtible brings with him the less desirable aspects of the human condition, and this allows the story to have depth. It's not a story about how all humans are better than Daleks, instead it's able to show the true Human Factor, why the humans are able to defeat the Daleks for the most part, and also why they are able to occasionally win. But now we wait for the serial's inevitable conclusion...

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