Sunday 18 October 2015

Day 695: Survival Part 3

Survival comes to an end, and so many things end with it.

This is the last story to be script edited by Andrew Cartmel. Cartmel has been an amazing script editor, bringing new life into the programme. Each story that has been under his tenure as editor has sought to do something interesting with the series, whether it be a story about a society where it's illegal to be unhappy otherwise you will be sentenced to a confectionery based execution, or a story about a galactic species surveyor trying to face the concept of evolution head on. And more than that, Cartmel has brought a consistency to the programme that we simply haven't had under prior script editors. Every story that Cartmel was responsible for is either a really good story, or something that's not good in an interesting way. He's been an amazing part of the series, and it's sad that we won't get to see his influence again.

It's also the last story to be produced by John Nathan Turner. JNT has been an interesting figure in the production of the series. He's not the best producer that they've had, making several mistakes that have ended up costing him his career through poor management, and a lack of focus on scripts. However, he also kept the show running, and was willing to work to keep the show on the air, in the process producing some amazing pieces of television. So whilst he may have been misguided in his time as producer, he still did the job, and that's worth commending.

But all of this pales in comparison to the fact that this is the last story to be broadcast of the original Doctor Who run. The show had been around for 26 years, and it was decided that it should be retired, to make way for new programmes, and new ideas. It's a shame, as over the past 695 episodes Doctor Who has shown itself to be new, exciting and different, with stories ranging from cavemen in 100,000 BC to a race of Cheetah People on a planet that feeds off their emotions. It's a fantastic and amazing series, and it's sad to see it end.

And, indeed, over the past 695 episodes, we've seen some fantastic stories. There's been The Sensorites, a weird and wonderful tale about a new alien race. There was also Power of the Daleks, looking at a new Doctor, as well as the truly manipulative nature of the Daleks that allows them to become the most powerful race in the galaxy. That's not forgetting Carnival of Monsters, an incredibly funny story with thoroughly memorable characters like Vorg the charismatic showman. Of course, there was also The Robots of Death, a genuinely tense and frightening Agatha Christie style thriller. And one of my personal favourites is Mawdryn Undead, applying equal measures of time travel and ruminations on the power of death. Attack of the Cybermen was also worth watching, even if it was just a generic action story. But generic action isn't what you can say about The Greatest Show in the Galaxy, which was wonderfully odd and terrifying.

And almost all of those stories were stories that I saw for the first time as part of this blog. I started it so that I could watch these episodes, and many more, to experience them for the first time as part of one great adventure. And it's all come to an end with Survival, the Doctor Who story that I left to watch last, over all of my travels through this fantastic series. It's been a fun ride, and I'm thoroughly glad that I've done it. But, the blog isn't over yet, as by my count there are still 100-odd episodes left to cover before I'm truly done. And I'm looking forward to watching these as the blog continues. So, I think it's only appropriate to end this entry with some choice words...

There are worlds out there where the sky is burning
Where the sea's asleep and the rivers dream
People made of smoke and cities made of song
Somewhere there's danger
Somewhere there's injustice
And somewhere else, the tea's getting cold
Come on Ace,
We've Got Work to Do!

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