Monday 12 October 2015

Day 689: The Curse of Fenric Part 1

The Curse of Fenric is an interesting story from my perspective. We got a copy of it on DVD as I was getting interested in Doctor Who, so I used to watch it on fairly high rotation. And at that age of around 10 years old, I only really saw it as a fun Doctor Who story set in World War 2 England with Vikings. But, as I grew older, I began to see that it was more than just a fun story, and that there were hidden depths to the characters and the plot, creating one of the best Doctor Who stories of all time.

So, to begin, first there's the fact that, as this episode is set-up for the story ahead, there's an awful lot that works a lot better on repeated viewings, once the events that are being set-up are seen. An example is the use of the Russian soldiers. We see them be young men, afraid of what they are doing, such as the scene where one of the soldiers is holding guard and sees some teenage girls begin to walk towards him. He desperately hopes that they turn away, not because he doesn't want to be discovered, but because he doesn't want to be forced to shoot them. This plays into the future of the story, as the Russians become more and more sympathetic characters, a major point in the climax.

There's also Ace, who meets a woman with a baby. She plays with the baby, and asks for its name. Upon learning it, she's disgusted, and gives the baby back, claiming that it was her mother's name. And as we shall see as the story progresses, this hatred of her mother forms one of the major character arcs for the character. But, we'll see all of that play out as the story progresses and we learn more about The Curse of Fenric.

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