Friday 2 October 2015

Day 679: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy Part 2

The corridors in this episode are actually some of the best corridors to feature in Doctor Who ever. Now, that may not feel like I'm saying much, but it certainly feels as if it should mean something. You see, this story is set inside a circus, and a lot of this episode features Ace running through corridors within the tent complex. These corridors succeed for a variety of reasons, but it's mainly because these corridors were actually set up as if they were a circus tent, with the outside light permeating slightly through the fabric of the walls, as they sway ever so gently in the breeze as people rush by them. It adds a sense of realism to the production, as well as making the process of running through the corridors ever so slightly scarier, because the flimsy nature of the walls always gives the impression that someone could be hiding right behind them, ready to jump out and attack. And, the funny thing is, this was never actually meant to be set up this way. The production team were kicked out of their original studio due to an asbestos scare, and as such, had to relocate to a car park in the middle of some other BBC studio complex. It's a beautiful example of serendipity affecting the programme and adding a degree of atmosphere to this fantastic story.

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