Sunday 27 September 2015

Day 674: The Happiness Patrol Part 3

As the story comes to a conclusion, we consider the tragic tale of Helen A. She took charge of the colony with an aim to make everyone happy, which she did by making unhappiness illegal, and filling everything with cheap and cosmetic views of happiness, not the pure happiness that is the very stuff of life itself, which can only really be experienced in contrast to unhappiness. And it's this lack of understanding that proves to be her downfall.

The Doctor plans a demonstration of all the unhappy people, known as Killjoys, to start publically laughing and partying. The Happiness Patrol are uncharacteristically unhappy due to the fact that they aren't able to start killing people because they don't have a reason to. Instead, they arrest each other, as they have become the unhappy ones in their society. This all sets off a chain of dominos as factories all around the planet begin to revolt against their horrific society. And ironically, these people who are revolting are the happiest that they've ever been in their lives, grinning as they finally take control of their own society, for the good of all Terra Alphans.

Contrast this with Helen A, who is getting more and more peeved as the episode progresses, realising that her entire way of life is flawed, and that she will never succeed. Her husband leaves her, taking with him her escape shuttle and one of her henchmen. The villainous Kandyman, who acted as her executioner, is killed in a sea of molten candy running through the pipes that he tried to escape through. And finally, as she goes on her last rant to the Doctor about how her happiness will prevail, she is greeted with the sight of her dead demonic dog, Fifi. Faced with this sight, she breaks down in tears, feeling truly sad for the first time. And whilst we might empathise with her, there is also the fact that we know this is what she truly deserves: to feel a wide breadth of emotions such that happiness can truly be felt, instead of being plastered around you as some sort of sick joke.

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