Tuesday 8 September 2015

Day 655: Time and the Rani Part 2

One of the actually quite well done things within this story is the special effects. Most of them look surprisingly convincing, and seeing how they are utilised is one of the few highlights within this story. For example, there's the ball of death that Mel finds herself in, which is achieved through a mixture of computer-generated effects to represent the ball as well as practical effects to represent explosions that go off whenever the ball hits another object. Whilst this may not be the most impressive effect that's ever been in Doctor Who, it's still something that's worth commending as the production team making a good effort to give something worth watching on screen.

And then that's all ruined when one character shoots a Tetrap (this story's monster) with glitter. This is a massive let down, considering all that surrounds it, and really diminishes the quality of the story. Between occasionally bad special effects, and regularly bad writing, you would think that there is almost nothing that could redeem this story. And yet, I'm sure that I can still find something within it that's legitimately good.

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