Wednesday 13 May 2015

Day 537: Full Circle Part 4

I suppose that we should talk about Adric. Adric, although this story doesn't confirm it, is the new companion aboard the TARDIS. He's an interesting character, in that a lot of writers have different ideas about how he should be written. Andrew Smith, for one, writes him as a normal teenage boy (albeit one that has grown up around a spaceship). He's a little bit cheeky, a little bit clever, and he has a need to rebel against his surroundings. He's aspires for something greater, as he speaks of travelling beyond his home planet to other worlds and other stars. He looks up to his brother, Varsh, as well, and seeks his approval. This comes to a head when his brother is surrounded by Marshmen. Adric goes to help him, but he's too late and the Marshemen overpower Varsh and kill him, leaving Adric with only his belt in memory of him. It's a scene that allows us to empathise with his character, given that we have seen him fail, and now we want him to succeed. So we'll come to follow him and know him better as part of the TARDIS crew.

But he's not going to be joining them on any voyages to Earth or Gallifrey any time soon though. The TARDIS remains stuck in another universe at the end of this story, which sparks a feeling of renewal within the programme. Now, everything that they will encounter will be new and different, and we can join with the Doctor, Romana, K9 and Adric as they explore E-Space together, trying to find a way back to their own universe.

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