Saturday 9 May 2015

Day 533: Meglos Part 4

This episode comes in at around 19 minutes in length. The reason that I mention this is because it means that this story comes across as wanting to get the story done in as quick a time as possible without any need for depth of what the story is actually about or who the characters are. I'll give a quick example. Meglos has set up a scheme to destroy Tigella. The Doctor, Romana, K9 and two other characters from Tigella get in the TARDIS to pursue him. The reason I didn't name the other two characters is because I actually don't know their names. They have possibly been mentioned, but we aren't given any reason to remember them, because we don't remember them as characters. More than that, there is literally no reason for them to be with the Doctor and co. at the conclusion of the story. The Doctor, Romana and K9 are the only characters to make any discernable difference to the conclusion of the story, and all they do is stand around and watch. It's essentially the heart of why this story is not very good: we're given absolutely no reason to care for any of the characters, and so we forget them almost immediately. It's a disappointing note to end on, but hopefully things will pick up again tomorrow.

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