Monday 11 May 2015

Day 535: Full Circle Part 2

There's a scene in this story where the First Decider, the leader of the Alzarians, discovers the truth about Alzarius through reading of the system files. The truth is kept a secret from the other characters and the audience, but it's interesting to watch the character after this point grapple with the truth that he has uncovered.

Take, for instance, a scene where the Doctor is interrogated by the three Deciders. The Doctor provides them with some information that proves contradictory to what they have been brought up with. Two of them bicker, and point out that he is clearly wrong, but the First Decider remains silent, before telling them authoritatively that the information (relating to whether the atmosphere on Alzarius is breathable during the season known as Mistfall) is indeed correct as given to them by the Doctor. But through the performance we get a sense that he is telling them this little truth, which is part of a bigger truth that they are yet to learn.

And this is a moment that is best viewed in retrospect, after the story reveals the truth that the First Decider knows. It's odd that the story would do this, given that it was broadcast at a time where home video was virtually non-existent, and repeats were few and far between, but it's mightily appreciated as it certainly makes the story more interesting for repeat viewing, and this is something that will be mentioned several more times over the coming months.

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