Saturday 15 February 2014

Day 85: The Exploding Planet

The story that this episode concludes, known as Galaxy 4, is mainly known for it's basic storyline, which concerns the fact that the quite attractive Drahvins are pitted against the quite ugly Rills, with the twist being that the Drahvins are evil and the Rills are quite lovely. This isn't that much of an original concept, coming from the old adage of not judging a book by its cover. But it is still somewhat relevant today, particularly in a scene between a Rill and Steven that takes place in this episode. Steven has currently landed on a planet, been quite nice to some quite attractive women, been kept captive by these women, and in the process of attempting to escape was almost killed by these people, and here, he questions his rescuers. He is untrusting of the Rills at first, which is saddening, because it shows what the blinding effects of prejudice, as people can remain untrusting of others, despite what they may have done to help, all because of how they might look, or sound, and other such nonsense that leads to wars and the like. Because, even though we may be trained by society to not like the unlike, sometimes we should question society, and put a bit of faith into people, because you never know, they might be the ones who help you off an exploding planet someday in the future.

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