Tuesday 11 February 2014

Day 81: Checkmate

In this episode, we get a discussion about what would happen if history were to change. Over the course of a second, the complete history of the world would change and noone would realise it, they would just go about their day to day lives not knowing that history had ever changed. Which is oddly terrifying, because it means that history could have changed, but we would never have realised, instead just going about or lives as if nothing had ever happened. It's an oddly chilling line that's stated by Vicki in this conversation in response to a question about history books and how they'll cope with being rewritten "That's alright. They're not written yet. They'll just write and print the new version". Which wonderfully manages to destroy the important thing about history books, that they are set in stone and are reminders of the past, and how it happened, and yet they can be rewritten because history has changed, meaning that they haven't been rewritten at all, just been made into an alternate time where things are different. So history has now gone from being the fixed points that we've known to a more fluid entity, and it's all thanks to Dennis Spooner.

Spooner has either written or been story editor for the past 28 episodes, and he has left a sizable mark on the series. Aside from introducing other members of the Doctor's race, and the concept of being able to change history, he has also brought a wonderful and brilliant sense of fun to the series. Characters now joke with eachother, and more comedic plotlines surface to show that sometimes drama doesn't have to be dramatic, it can still be fun, just with some serious moments chucked in there. And, of course, we're not done with him yet. There are still two stories that he will have a hand in, and one of those is one of, if not the, most important episodes of Doctor Who of all time. But we won't just skip to it, because, We've Still Got Work To Do!

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