Monday 31 August 2015

Day 647: The Trial of a Time Lord Part 8 - Mindwarp Part 4

The general conceit of Mindwarp is that, at the end of Part 1, the Doctor undergoes a sudden brain trauma that leaves him on the side of evil rather than good. It's distressing to watch, particularly as events proceed in such a manner to suggest that we may have passed the point of no return, and that all might be lost. Fortunately, however, halfway through Part 3, the Doctor regains his full mental faculties and begins to create a resistance movement. He also has to now save Peri, who is now facing the prospect of having her entire mind wiped and replaced with that of Kiv, Sil's boss.

And, 10 minutes from the end of Part 4, it would appear that all is proceeding as planned. But then the Time Lords capture the Doctor, and take him away to be put on trial. And, after that, everything goes wrong. Peri dies. The transplant between Kiv's mind and her mind was successful, and her entire consciousness ceases to be. There are rare moments when the series gets as dark as this, where the Doctor's companion and friend dies as a result of the Doctor's negligence and inability to save them.

But this moment had to happen, to show the impact of the Doctor's actions, and how it could perhaps lead to moments such as this. And, for a brief second, we understand fully why the Doctor is on trial, and leads us to the conclusion that perhaps he should be found guilty, because if he caused this, then maybe he should be punished.

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