Monday 27 April 2015

Day 521: Nightmare of Eden Part 4

The third point about the Mandrels is the crux of the whole story. When they decompose, they decompose into the drug vraxoin. Now, vraxoin is one of the most dangerously addictive drugs in the Universe, and its appearance in this story marks a slightly different direction for the series. We're used to the series dealing with simple adventure stories, with occasional high concept ideas. The most politically charged stories have been fairly common issues, like war or the environment. But now, Doctor Who is looking at drugs. It's a remarkably adult issue, and the series should be commended for not being afraid to use it as a plot device. Its appearance means that the audience is allowed to be educated about the dangers of such drugs, in particular younger viewers, as they witness the horrifying effects of it, driving people either insane or to suicide. And more than that, the main villains are drug smugglers, taking advantage of these creatures for monetary gain.; It's all surprisingly dark stuff, that's hidden behind the jokes and bright lighting that epitomise Doctor Who of this era. But that's one of the benefits of doing this blog, that we're able to look at Doctor Who episodes and occasionally see them for what they truly are, instead of what they appear to be on the surface.

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