Tuesday 21 April 2015

Day 515: The Creature from the Pit Part 2

This wasn't going to be like this. Yesterday was my first day back at Uni, after two weeks of holidays. There was a fair amount of rainfall that accompanied the entire day, but I thought nothing of it. This morning, however, I awoke to radio announcements that the storm had increased to a cyclone, being the biggest storm in at least eight or so years. So my day was increasingly spent listening to emergency forecasts, occasionally doing bits and pieces of Uni work on the home computer, and watching the destruction unfold via images on social media.

So when I watched The Creature from the Pit, my mind wasn't exactly in the right mood to engage with the story itself. I was left wondering about what would happen if we lost power, if the Uni remained closed for the week, if the tree in our backyard fell down onto the house. It's a testament to the writing of the story that I was able to vaguely focus on what was happening, with the combination of Fisher and Adams providing some incredibly witty dialogue. But there's still an overarching sense of something else distracting me.

And then this happened. I was half tempted to just post this image without any explanation as my entry for today. Because it stands firm and upright amongst everything else that's around it. It erects a position for itself in the middle of the story, being a member of the cast to come into the story with a strong amount of spunk, blowing an air of life and energy into its surrounds. It's a beast that just wanders into shot, phallus first, provoking so much fun and laughter that it provided a little bit of escapism from the storm raging outside. It's a nice moment of happiness, and is clearly enough to arouse a little bit of joy in this blogger's heart.

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