Wednesday 18 March 2015

Day 481: The Ribos Operation Part 2

When I last watched this story, I was still somewhat adjusting to my surroundings. We'd moved house at the start of the year, and my room now lacked the necessary space for my much enjoyed digital alarm clock. Instead, I was content with my mobile phone to act as an alarm clock, meaning that each morning I was greeted with a sickeningly chirpy selection of beeps to let me know that it was time to get up. Around the time of re-watching Ribos, it was beginning to get on my nerves and I was in desperate need of a change.

I rarely talk about the music of the series in this blog. It's largely due to the fact that this blog is written, rather than audio, meaning that unlike dialogue, or to an extent direction, it's difficult to effectively describe what is heard on screen, although there is also the fact that it rarely jumps out to the audience as something really special. The Ribos Operation is different though. We have a simple leitmotif that comes throughout the episode, reflecting the time of day as the story passes. At night, where the story begins, the leitmotif is quiet and subdued. On screen as well, the lighting is dark, giving the impression of a civilisation that's about to go to bed. Come morning in Part 2, however, and we get a ritual where the lights are turned on. The music reflects this by being loud and majestic, with horn instruments and a pipe organ playing, making you feel as if an entire civilisation and all its wonders have awoken ready to start the new day. Kudos to Dudley Simpson, the composer, for this then, it's one of my favourite pieces of music in the entire series.

Indeed, I loved it so much when I rewatched it, that I pulled my phone out of my pocket and recorded it. A few adjustments on the settings and my new alarm clock was set. As Ribos awoke, so would I. Gone were the chirping noises that got me out of bed, if only to turn them off. Instead, I had a majestic piece to wake me up, steadfastly encouraging me to go out and seize the day. It's another fantastic part of The Ribos Operation that makes me happy every time I experience it. And this isn't even the best part of the story...

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