Sunday 8 March 2015

Day 471: Underworld Part 2

This story is an adaptation of the old myth of Jason and the Argonauts. It concerns, as did the original tale, of a group of heroes on a quest to find a lost object. The tale is littered with references to the original story, with characters called things like Herrick (as in Heracles) and Orfe (as in Orpheus), which acts as a nice touch, and rewards the vigilant and well-read viewer. It's also a good idea to use this story as a basis, as the original story has survived for so long due to being a good story. Thus, if you're going to steal plot ideas, it makes sense to steal from the best.

You can also add to this that young kids will tend to enjoy these tales of Greek heroes, and may thus be interested in watching stories that act as adaptations of some of their favourite legends. I can testify to this, as I was one of those kids. I loved Greek mythology as a kid, and to some extent I still do, but as a kid looking through Doctor Who The Television Companion I saw the story Underworld, clearly recognised the names and I got excited for the story. I have a suspicion that I saw the episode on VHS from our local library, however I have virtually no recollection of it. But the fact that I was keen to see it is testament enough to this story, that it should grab a young 10 year old's imagination, showing that this story has certainly got something in its favour.

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