Wednesday 25 February 2015

Day 460: The Invisible Enemy Part 3

"Where are we going Doctor?"
"Into the land of dreams and fantasy, Leela"

Through a convoluted procedure, the Doctor and Leela are currently inside the Doctor's brain trying to find the Nucleus of the Swarm, the viral creature that is causing all of the problems that are currently afflicting everyone. What this means is that the script gets to go a bit more surreal, as we walk through a truly alien landscape, full of strange backgrounds and dark areas, making the brain feel like an unexplored planet, full of mysteries to be uncovered. It's a plot line that verges on the surreal, but is also grounded in scientific reality. They are attacked by strange beasts, but these are antibodies aiming to remove the inteuders. Similarly, when we see strange signals and flashes in the background, we know that these are electrical impulses sending signals from the brain to the rest of the body. This all comes together to represent a merging of both the scientific side of the series and the fantastical, creating something that, as written, is truly awe inspiring.

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