Friday 6 February 2015

Day 442: The Face of Evil Part 3

One of the working titles for this story was 'The Day God Went Mad'. It refers to the computer Xoanon, one which at some point received help from the Doctor who reprogrammed it but got something slightly wrong. He hadn't realised that the computer was actually alive, the first of a new species, and thus when he connected his brain to it (for reasons) the computer took the Doctor's personality along with it. Xoanon then developed its own personality, thus sending it mad. This is all exposed in the lead up to the Part 3 cliffhanger, as seen above. It's a fascinating idea because it explores the capabilities of computers, relatively new pieces of hardware for 1977, hypothesising on their intelligence and personality, whether they have minds and could be considered to be alive. It also allows us to build up to another fantastic cliffhanger, this time more on the psychedelic as voices from all around deny the existence of the Doctor, building up to a child's voice shouting "Who am I?" repeatedly. It's strange, and begins to convey the full amount of insanity that is going on inside of Xoanon, which we shall continue to explore as The Face of Evil reaches its conclusion.

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