Sunday 18 January 2015

Day 422: The Seeds of Doom Part 1

I remember when I first watched this story it was when I was a teenager. My sister had borrowed the video version of it from our local library on the grounds that the name sounded kind of stupid, which it sort of does. Seeds are normally associated with plant life, not oncoming doom. However, doom is an appropriate word for this story,

The first episode is laced with atmosphere and dread, again mainly through the performance of Tom Baker who becomes deadly serious within a few minutes of learning of the situation, realising that the fate of the entire universe is at stake. The decisions that could be made to save the Earth also now have added degrees of weight with them, as seen when a man who is not explicitly trained in the medical profession is asked to amputate a limb, something which he doesn't feel comfortable about but everyone knows could be their only option. We spend time mulling over this decision, giving us both a sense of knowing the characters and realising the gravity of the situation. It's moments like this that rise this story to the high standard that has been set over the past few weeks and make us look forward to how the Seeds of Doom shall manifest themselves.

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