Tuesday 13 January 2015

Day 417: The Android Invasion Part 4

There is an absolutely ridiculous moment in this story. One which threatens the quality of rest of the story by simply existing. There is a character called Guy Crayford. He is an astronaut who was rescued by the villainous Kraals, reassembled after a nasty accident (sans one eyeball which is replaced with an eye-patch), and then used as an unwitting pawn in The Android Invasion. Towards the climax of this story, the Doctor points out that Crayford has been used as a pawn by the Kraals, and to demonstrate this fact he reveals that Crayford actually has two working eyes, and thus no need for an eye-patch.

This is truly and legitimately stupid. For a start, it defies all logic that Crayford would not have lifted his eye-patch once since getting it, meaning that the Kraals must have relied on him being extremely gullible for him to believe them. Not only that, but there is actually no reason for them to give him the eye-patch in the first place. They could have just as easily told him that they rescued him and gone about their merry business on this lie, but instead they decide to utilise a plan which could fall apart almost instantly. This shows some poor writing from Nation, who is clearly going for such a big dramatic moment that he has failed to notice the obvious flaws staring right in his face, meaning that what once had the potential for a rather nice story instead becomes a story that has its moments, but not too much else.

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