Monday 4 August 2014

Day 255: Spearhead From Space Episode 2

So characters! We've got people old and new in this story. Old is represented by the Brigadier, familiar to viewers from both The Invasion and The Web of Fear. He brings with him a sense of comfort in these strange new times of change. He's also able to take charge with regards to the story, given that the Doctor is in a post-regenerative haze and is out of action for much of the first half. In this role, he performs admirably, showing that at the very least, the idea of UNIT taking over Doctor Who is sound.

New characters come through as well, such as Liz Shaw, the Doctor's new assistant. She's a more professional Zoe, being a scientist employed to be UNIT's scientific advisor. She's got an edge to her, choosing not to take orders from her military superiors, giving the impression that she is quite like the Doctor. It's clear that when Sherwin and Dicks created the character that they decided upon having the Doctor have an intellectual counterpart, as Zoe worked so well in the previous series. In a similar sense, the Brigadier fulfils much the same role as Jamie, being a trusted person by the Doctor and the male action hero. But how these roles will develop will be seen as the series continues.

And tomorrow, in a startling display of me being organised, we're going to take a look at our new Doctor

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