Tuesday 29 April 2014

Day 158: The Faceless Ones Episode 2

First Prize in the greatest facial expressions caught on film
And the runner up
Halfway through this episode, I was busy planning what I was going to write about it. Something about Ben and Polly, perhaps, or the dominance of aeroplane travel. But then the most extraordinary thing happened. To explain: This episode is no longer present in the BBC archives, and I am currently watching a reconstruction of it, using images taken by a man named John Cura. Cura's job was to point a camera at a television screen and record images of various television dramas, then give them to the production offices to use as guides for what stories they've covered, and how they turned out, as well as mementos of the work that they did. These photos must capture the key events in the story, as well as give a general feel for the tone of the drama. And in this case, Cura took some photos of some truly great faces pulled by the cast. And this isn't like these days, where people can get something to go mildly viral (still sounds like an infection to me, perhaps that explains why my readership is going down) by having a lucky moment where they capture a celebrity pulling a face thanks to pushing the pause button at exactly the right moment. Here, there's no pause button, instead Cura just happened to capture the tone of the story perfectly, showing us that this story is not one that is deadly serious, it allows the characters to have a bit of fun. This isn't necessarily something that is captured through scripts or audio recordings, instead this one man has managed to do his job perfectly, and so I'm going to thank John Cura for giving me some excellent moments thanks to your wonderful telesnaps.

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