Sunday 13 April 2014

Day 142: The Highlanders Episode 2

Let's have a talk about Polly. She's the Doctor's female companion, and is notable for being the first truly 'modern' companion, being a product of the 1960s youth scene. But she's also quite spunky, and this was something that I'd honestly never considered, thinking that she was just another one in a long line of screaming assistants, yet here she actually does things. While her new friend, Kirsty, worries about how they're all going to die and generally mopes about the place, Polly takes action, and kidnaps one of the Redcoat Lieutenants, before stealing all of his money and escaping his clutches. It's the sort of thing that we'd expect Ben or the Doctor to do, but here we're able to see that Polly is actually quite a forthright companion and is not willing to sit around and scream. It's things like this that draw to attention the fact that there are some things in Doctor Who that you never really think about, like The Highlanders, and perhaps it will bear more fruit as the story continues.

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