Wednesday 23 April 2014

Day 152: The Moonbase Episode 4

Kit Pedler is Doctor Who's scientific advisor, and as such, this story is a bit more scientific than the normal asventure. In the previous episode, for instance, there's an extended sequence wherein Ben describes how squirty bottles work, and the story itself is not based on a clolony of normal people, instead looking at a group of scientists all working together on a gravity based device to control Earth's weather. So we're bringing Doctor Who back to its original remit, to educate the audience about science and history, except history has been deemed to be boring, and so science education shall rise. And I'd like to come at this from a completely subjective viewpoint, and state whether this is actually interesting to the young children watching it, but there are a few problems with this.

One is that I am not a young child any more, and so the things that interest me now are different than the things that interest me 10 years ago. It's probably the major difficulty when commenting on Doctor Who, because a large element of it is aimed at a family audience, including children, and it becomes harder and harder to think about what kids are into these days, and whether kids are really interested about this stuff. In my opinion, this is exactly the sort of thing that children should be watching, and it is thoroughly interesting, but I don't know whether they'd enjoy it, I can only speculate. It's an interesting point, and we'll probably come back to it at some point over the next 650 odd episodes, but for now, We've Got Work To Do.

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